Let EVERY Ear Hear! (More words, now do you really want more action?) Ponder on it… Want to be me?


I sit here with dreadful information, trembling with fear; as I look at my options I factor in that no one is promised to see another day, and then I heard the voice saying… “Write it down; write it on the scroll for their memorance!”! There isn’t any possible way that I can actually do this and not be viewed upon as an absolute nutcase or a complete idiot. But oh well… Considering how my day started and the thoughts to enter my mind, no sooner than I woke up being “Damn, I’m still here!”; I really could care less about what those of them have to say because I suspect that type of behavior based on the facts that have been established based on, well.. I’ve already done the work once so do your own homework if it’s worth that much to you…. I’m going to begin with a series of questions that I’d like for you to try answering honestly and with much consideration.

  1. What’s good for the goose… Is it not good for the gander? If I am strongly encouraging and using extreme persuasion in efforts to influence your thoughts of believing in something so intensely; wouldn’t you at the very least suspect that I have done it before myself and being that it is required from others to do on the continual basis to be brought to public shame, wouldn’t you every now and then expect the same of the one from which teaches this doctrine?

  1. Certainly most of us that know the Lord God or even of his existence, we fear him and his wrath upon man and dare do we anything knowingly to bring dishonor to his name for he is one of perfection to us. With that being said… Do we not take extreme precautions as to what we do and say when we are aware that we are indeed representing him and speaking what is in his written word “The Bible”.?   Now; if that’s the case, how could one stand before a group of people declaring; as if they are the Lord God almighty themselves, that God is or is not going to do a certain thing?  Is it not written that “All things are permissible by God; but, not all things are beneficial”?

  1. Next surely we know that we are to be reconciled with our brethren… for it’s indeed the rule of forgiving our debts as we forgive our debtors… Should there be any possible excuse for two people who serve and worship the same God to have irreconcilable differences for over the extended period of time of 15 years?  Though they have been made full awareness of the issue and only the offended party extended an apology to the offender, surely the offended did so in efforts of restoring the harmony and keeping the peace among the Body of Christ. Is there not something wrong with this picture to you all?

  1. Why would anyone have the right to boast of himself as to all of the good that they do by way of visiting the sick and shut-in and those in which are confined to hospitals as if God isn’t the one who has enabled and granted them the capabilities of doing so? Now to go along with that; and pay very close attention, In the midst of all of these visits… why is it that one must almost always take something with them or leave you with something that’s a little too far out the ordinary.  I am thinking of a particular incident when words were spoken to me somewhere along the lines of making the choice out of three things one of them was leaving with them; the choices given to me at the age of seventeen were (1) my fake ID  (2) my pack of cigarettes (3) my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?  Well… I needed my fake ID to buy my cigarettes and to get into the night clubs back during those days so needless to say I wasn’t going to put them into the hands of another man in which I have always been taught that we are all the same “brothers and sisters”, needless to say he responded “You leave me no choice, (as my mother begin to get teary eyed) I am walking out this door with your Lord and Savior”.  I won’t get into what happened over the period of the next 24 hours but just like everything else that’s of any significance, you’d better know that it’s written down on the scroll.  Question is, in what possible way is this type of behavior considered to be in accordance to God’s will or even pleasing in his sight?

  2. How many offerings are taken up in that congregation?

  3. Why would God not protect his house from a burglary if in fact it’s his House?

  4. How does the fruit from that tree look to you?

Now… for those of them this should concern you full-well know who you are… and surely I’ve got much better things to do than to occupy my day other than this crap… Do your homework people! If it walk like a duck, quack like a duck, IT’S A FREAKING DUCK!

Now; I’ll boldly say it loud and proud in their faces using specifics as have already been given to him with ample time and countless opportunities to speak something of relevance discrediting my viewThere was even a visit shortly after last revival!  Surely you remember my being there… The song was sang and the prayer was prayed under the anointing of the Holy Spirit “Lord Have Mercy” not the slightest bit surprised, I received a visit a couple of weeks later… Would you believe that’s when they attempted to speak “Cancer” into my atmosphere.  If your headlights are that dim then quite honestly (personally speaking) Hell is exactly where you should lift up your eyes… Try the spirit by the spirit… A tree will be known by its fruit… Oh, what the hell with it… if your eyes are still blind after the aforementioned; say what you will about me, I’ve been equipped and qualified to withstand.  I got to love you; If I didn’t I wouldn’t dare risk such a chance of dishonoring my holy and heavenly father.  Let me specify it for you for I know that your eyes have been shielded from things in which you should actually be seeing… My Lord is that of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Alpha and Omega, the Great Am.  My Savior is Jesus Christ… surely as much as I call him and as much as he’s answered, with much favor granted over my life… It’s baffling that mere man can yet give explanation  nor reason behind their actions.   So No I will not eat from that table; why would I when fact is you wouldn’t do so yourself had you been a guest in my home and never witnessed me washing my hands!  but in conclusion, it’s not cool to lie in a house where God’s Chosen People dwell, especially when you know that they are… remember; you told me, before I had a clue. You told one just recentlyIt is False because clearly as the evidence supports me when I “James Delmos McCoy” didn’t leave because of me, I indeed left because of (you).  Now this document is one of truth… I haven’t read it nor listened to it but I trust the one who allowed me to create it.  I haven’t called your name, but will not hesitate and make no mistake I’m no coward soldier! In so many ways… you have convicted yourselvesyet still I pray; Lord have mercy… on the man, but that woman….

To God Be The Glory…. Wake Up Folks!

P.S. Don’t be stupid… to what could I possibly have to gain for myself by this! Somebody  please enlighten me… did you not catch the beginning of this document…  So go run and tell it somebody!  The church-folks keep crying out talking about actions over words… so here are some action-words for you to put into action!

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